At Kaitiaki Adventures we take our responsibility to contribute sustainably to the environment seriously, upholding levels of the absolute highest order – consistently seeking improvement through both technology and growing partnered relationships. Kaitiakitanga and Manaakitanga along with Whanaungatanga have underpinned our approach & behaviour toward a sustainable future for future generations to enjoy – a 100% Pure NZ.
Through over 16 years of bench-marking, business innovation, objectives and goal setting; here are just a few of Kaitiaki’s Sustainable Incentives & Initiatives:
- Volunteer Wilding Pine: Kaitiaki Guides volunteer groups up Mt Tarawera to pull baby pines, this is leading to the complete eradication of Wilding Pines upon the mountain.
- Public Open Days: Kaitiaki Adventures along with DOC and the Ruawahia 2B Trust provide an annual ‘Locals Day’ with transport and Guides. Roughly 165 locals attend the locals day with all proceeds going toward the Wilding Pines Project.
- Whanau Days: At least 3 times a year Rangitihi Whanau re-connect with their Maunga, Kaitiaki’s involvement providing transport and guides is Free of Charge.
- Rangatahi Training Programme: Kaitiaki has run a Rangitahi Training Programme for over the last 15 years. the programme is Iwi & Hapu based to provide guidance and a pathway to Adventure Tourism through work based training.
- Educational Tours: Kaitiaki Adventures provides access to schools nationally and internationally sharing the knowledge of the area both Cultural and Geothermal.
- Spare Equipment: Kaitiaki provides spare equipment to the school groups who need it. This ensures that all pupils can participate actively without a financial burden.
- Youth Development Pathways Programme: Kaitiaki Adventures in partnership with Ruawahia 2B Trust provide a programme to re-connect the youth with their Maunga.
- Concession: Kaitiaki Adventures holds the sole land-based concession on the Mountain with all concession proceeds going 100% back to the Marae.
- DOC Partnership: Kaitiaki Adventures is in a partnership with DOC to maintain the visual wonder and beauty of Mount Tarawera for generations to come. Kaitiaki Adventures is also partnership with DOC to save the Dabchick from extinction.
- 100% Zero Waste: Kaitiaki Adventures upholds and maintains zero waste on Mt Tarawera, Kaituna River & Our Base through both staff & client training on an ongoing basis.
- Composting Toilets: Kaitiaki Adventures has implements composting toilets at the base camp of the Mountain.
- Solar Power: All of the Mountain Base camp is powered by Solar. We have the next initiative set up to get the raft & sledge base fully Solar by 2018.
- Recycle Station: Our recycling station situated at the Mountain Base Camp and helps maintain the 100% Zero Waste initiative.
- Rain Water Catchment: A Water Tank at the mountain base camp provides running water year-round.
- Tikanga Maori: Kaitiaki Adventures pays the utmost respect to the people and environment by way of Karakia (Payer) Waiaata (Song) and Haka (War Dance) to preserve the Mana (Strength) of the message of Maori.
- Working Bee’s: Kaitiaki Adventures Staff attends Marae & Urupa cleanups each year.
- Freedom Camping Clean-ups: Every 2 weeks Kaitiaki head down to the reduce the footprint left by freedom campers on Okere lands.
- Washing Up: All products used in the clean up of our equipment is Eco-friendly. Along with Environment Bay of Plenty we have eradicated Didimo from our River.
- Iwi Focused Pathways Programme: Kaitiaki Adventures has introduced a programme focusing on at risk and suicide prevention by providing opportunity and re-connection with whenua.
- Concession: Kaitiaki Adventures will always provide a concession to DOC for access to the Okere walking track for Sledging.
- Container Base: Kaitiaki Adventures Raft & Sledge base is made from recycled containers.
- Sponsorship: Kaitiaki Adventures provides ongoing sponsorship for a wide range of local and national initiatives.