
Predator-free Okere Falls

As a community, we are aiming to eradicate the predators in Okere Falls to encourage the bird life to thrive. The area that we aim to get under control is 136Ha and covers the top 1.5km of the Kaituna River all the way out to the end of Te Akau Rd covering the entire peninsula.

We have broken this task down. We have 4 different areas that we will tackle one at a time, Okere, Taheke, Te Akau, and Kaituna. Kaitiaki Adventures along with residents and other businesses in the area are working together to help bring back the bird life!

How can you help? Itโ€™s easy! Just send us an email and we can send you a sign up form and a bird count form so that you can get some traps and count the birds in your corner of Okere Falls. You donโ€™t even have to be a resident of Okere Falls to support the cause. We have visitors from all over the world staying in batches, rafting the Kaituna River, walking the Waterfall Track and enjoying amazing food at the local Okere Falls Store.

So please, send us a message or an email to info@kaitiaki.co.nz to see how you can get involved!

  • Review of: Cath Hagan
    If you havent already been white-water rafting then this is the BEST place in the world to have a go!
  • Review of: Sarah H
    Be prepared for an adventure, the views are stunning, and the sense of awe and accomplishment at the end was amazing.
  • Review of: Tristan P
    A must do! Our guides Cam & Curtis were amazing and really funny. Definitely the highlight of the month.
  • Review of: Caradis A
    What an amazing time! We had so much rafting fun, even though at first I was terrified. Will recommend this to everyone.
  • Review of: Te-Aroha P
    Such an exhilarating experience. We loved all the waterfalls and rapids, but we always felt safe with an awesome safety crew.
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